Friday, March 4, 2011

Getting Started With Intellij Idea With Useful Shortcuts

Here comes the very useful shortcuts to develop code fast with Intellij Idea,there are plenty of shortcuts available with any development environment, If we do not use them, it is like using a text editor rather an IDE.
Easy coding goes as follows.

psvm + tab = completes the main method

psfs + tab = public static final String

sout + tab = System.out.println("");

lets have a variable as
String name = "Manjula";
soutv + tab = System.out.println("name = " + name);

Ctrl + n = search a class

Ctrl + d = duplicate a line where cursor is, or duplicate the selection

Ctrl + w = select a word, line, code block(repeat the key combination)

Ctrl + Shift + w = de-select selection

Ctrl + Shift +up/down = move up and down the selected code

Ctrl + Alt + l = align code

Ctrl + Alt + I = auto indent lines